Top 12 Most Populous Cities In The World 2024

Top 12 Most Populous Cities In The World 2024

The world’s urban population is growing rapidly. According to estimates by the United Nations, 68% of the global population will live in urban areas by 2050, up from 55% in 2018. Much of this growth is expected to happen in a few megacities, especially in developing countries in Asia and Africa.

In 2024, the world is projected to have 43 megacities with more than 10 million inhabitants, up from 33 in 2018. Many of these will be located in Asia, which is experiencing rapid urbanization. China alone has 6 megacities, including the world’s most populous city, Shanghai. Meanwhile, Africa is projected to have 5 megacities by 2030, compared to 2 in 2018.

Here is a look at the top 12 most populous cities in the world expected in 2024, based on estimates and projections from various sources:

1. Tokyo, Japan

  • 2024 Projected Population: 37.4 million
  • Continent: Asia

Tokyo has been the world’s largest city by population since at least the 1950s. The capital of Japan is part of the Greater Tokyo metropolitan area, which is the most populous metropolitan area in the world. Tokyo boasts an advanced public transportation system, as well as renowned cultural sites, restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. While Japan’s overall population is shrinking due to low birth rates, Tokyo continues to grow thanks to migration from other parts of Japan.

2. Delhi, India

  • 2024 Projected Population: 36.1 million
  • Continent: Asia

Delhi is the capital city of India and the second most populous city in the world after Tokyo. Located along the Yamuna River in northern India, Delhi has been continuously inhabited since at least the 6th century BCE. Delhi is a major cultural, political, and commercial center of India. The city has experienced rapid growth in recent decades, driven by migration from other parts of India. Delhi faces challenges such as air pollution, traffic congestion, and inadequate infrastructure.

3. Shanghai, China

  • 2024 Projected Population: 34.9 million
  • Continent: Asia

Shanghai is the most populous city in China and the third most populous city worldwide. Located on China’s central eastern coast, Shanghai serves as a major commercial and financial center of China. The city has the world’s busiest container port. Shanghai has experienced massive growth since economic reforms began in the early 1990s. The city has a developed economy and a growing middle class. Pollution and housing costs remain challenges for the megacity.

4. São Paulo, Brazil

  • 2024 Projected Population: 23.4 million
  • Continent: South America

São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and the fourth most populous city worldwide as of 2024. It is the capital of the state of São Paulo, the most populous and wealthiest state in Brazil. São Paulo is located in southeastern Brazil and is a major financial center in South America. While population growth has slowed in recent years, migration from other regions of Brazil continues to drive the city’s growth.

5. Mexico City, Mexico

  • 2024 Projected Population: 23.3 million
  • Continent: North America

Mexico City is the densely populated capital of Mexico and the fifth most populous city worldwide in 2024. Located in a valley in central Mexico, it has been an important urban center for centuries. The metropolitan area of Greater Mexico City has a diversified economy that includes finance, commerce, services, and manufacturing. Air pollution, urban sprawl, and earthquakes pose challenges for the megacity.

6. Cairo, Egypt

  • 2024 Projected Population: 22.9 million
  • Continent: Africa

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Arab world and Africa. Located near the Nile Delta north of Egypt, Cairo dates back over 1,000 years. As a Middle Eastern megacity, Cairo functions as a center of politics, culture, transportation, and commerce. Rapid growth has led to high population density and infrastructure challenges. However, Cairo remains an important hub for the Middle East and the Islamic world.

7. Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • 2024 Projected Population: 22.4 million
  • Continent: Asia

Dhaka is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. Located on the eastern banks of the Buriganga River, Dhaka has been a major city since the Mughal era. As the center of the Bengal delta region, Dhaka is a major commercial, cultural, and political hub of South Asia. The city has struggled with overpopulation, pollution, poverty, congestion, and quality of life issues. Significant upgrades to infrastructure have been underway in Dhaka.

8. Beijing, China

  • 2024 Projected Population: 21.5 million
  • Continent: Asia

Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China and the world’s eighth most populous city in 2024. Located in northern China, Beijing has been the capital for most of the last 800 years. As China’s political, cultural, and educational center, Beijing is a major transportation hub with advanced infrastructure. Continued growth has resulted in traffic congestion and hazardous air pollution in Beijing.

9. Manila, Philippines

  • 2024 Projected Population: 21.2 million
  • Continent: Asia

Manila is the sprawling capital of the Philippines and the ninth most populous city worldwide in 2024. Located on the island of Luzon, Manila has played an important role in Philippine history since the 1500s. As an East Asian megacity, Manila is a vital seaport, metro hub, and center of industry, education, arts, and culture. Rapid urbanization has caused serious issues with traffic, pollution, and urban poverty in Manila.

10. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

  • 2024 Projected Population: 20.6 million
  • Continent: Africa

Kinshasa is the capital and largest city in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the only Central African megacity expected in 2024. Located along the Congo River, Kinshasa faces issues typical of rapidly growing cities like inadequate infrastructure, traffic congestion, pollution, and crime. However, Kinshasa plays an important role as a center of politics, culture, and economics in Central Africa.

11. Lagos, Nigeria

  • 2024 Projected Population: 20.5 million
  • Continent: Africa

Lagos is a sprawling coastal megacity and the largest city in Nigeria and Africa overall. Located on the Gulf of Guinea in southwestern Nigeria, Lagos has been an important West African port for centuries. Rapid urbanization has caused challenges including congestion, housing shortages, inadequate infrastructure, unemployment, and crime. However, Lagos remains the leading financial and commercial hub of West Africa.

12. New York City, USA

  • 2024 Projected Population: 20.1 million
  • Continent: North America

New York City is the most populous city in the United States and continues to be one of the world’s largest urban areas in 2024. Located at the southern tip of New York state, the city comprises 5 boroughs. New York exerts a significant impact on global commerce, finance, media, politics, education, entertainment, and culture. While no longer the world’s largest city, New York remains an alpha global city and major destination for immigrants.


The world is continuing to urbanize, especially in developing regions like Asia and Africa. Megacities around the globe are expanding due to migration, population growth, and economic opportunities. This trend brings opportunities as well as challenges for infrastructure, housing, transportation, employment, the environment, and quality of life. How these rapidly growing metropolises address their challenges will shape the future of the worlds’ cities and billions of urban inhabitants.

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